PeiXuan : 97617173
14 if you really need to know .
500% friendly and 100000% scam free :B
Any items that you are eyeing on?
Text me :) .
(Reply within 24hours!) :D .
Do text/mail me for supply rates and if you have any enquires !

Items , ❤

Angry bird/spongebob/heroes design tee ,
Cartoon tee ,
Doraemon tee ,
Emotion tee ,
Peace sign tee ,
Superman customised tee ,
Fred Perry inspired bags ,
Korean bagpacks & handbags ,
Envelope Clutch ,
Transparent Wallet ,
Cute face wallet ,
Envelope wallet ,
ONTO headphones ,
Sticky ,
Meetups , ❤

SengKang mrt station ONLY !!
Enquires(Strictly no adverts !) , ❤

Adverts ! , ❤

Envelope wallet
Saturday, July 9, 2011 || 5:32 PM

Envelop wallet !

$8 each


19.5 cm x 9 cm.

black, blue, deep purple, red, dark green, lime green, hot pink, light pink, white, cream, orange, yellow